Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Aid Ear Infections?
Apple cider vinegar is rapidly becoming a popular natural remedy that people claim works for everything from weight loss to resolving ear infections. While there are times when you may need prescription medications and other treatments, it doesn’t hurt to explore all of your options for preventing ear infections from getting so bad they harm your hearing. Understanding how apple cider vinegar might help your symptoms gives you insight into potential natural remedies that can increase your comfort.
Understanding Ear Infections
An ear infection develops when bacteria or viruses infect your ears and cause swelling in the Eustachian tubes. The most common type of ear infection is called otitis media, which occurs in the middle ear. You can also develop an infection in the outer parts of your ear, which is often referred to as swimmer’s ear.
You might notice some mild pain and irritation in the early stages of an ear infection. However, ear infections that become moderate to severe can cause constant pain that might keep you or your child awake at night. Discharge from the ear and a fever are also common symptoms of ear infections. The inflammation and fluid buildup in your ear may also cause hearing loss. In severe cases that don’t receive treatment in time, ear infections can cause complications that result in permanent hearing loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar: What the Science Says
Although you should always use caution with natural remedies, there are a few points to make about the potential for apple cider vinegar to help with ear infections. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has known antibacterial qualities. Several studies have also suggested that apple cider vinegar may be effective in killing off fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Ear Infections
The simplest way to try using apple cider vinegar for ear infections is to mix equal parts of the vinegar with warm water. You can then use a dropper to place five to 10 drops of the solution in the ear. Then, you’ll cover your ear with a cloth or cotton ball while you lean on your side to allow the liquid to sit in your ear for about five minutes. You can then drain your ear by tilting your head to the other side.
Some people use rubbing alcohol instead of water as a solution to mix with apple cider vinegar. Since rubbing alcohol has a drying effect, it can help to reduce the chances of leaving irritating fluid in your ear. Plus, rubbing alcohol also has antibacterial and antiviral properties that could help resolve an infection. You’ll use rubbing alcohol in the same way you use water to mix with apple cider vinegar and drop it into the ear.
Precautions and Side Effects
Although apple cider vinegar can help soothe an ear infection, it can burn your skin on its own. Always mix the vinegar with water or rubbing alcohol before you apply it to your ear.
You’ll also want to avoid putting liquid into an ear that lacks the eardrum or has a suspected injury to the tympanic membrane. Naturally, you’ll want to consult a physician for any significant ear pain that won’t respond to normal at-home care. Ear infection symptoms that don’t resolve within one to three days may also indicate that you need medical treatment.
Before you try any natural remedy, it’s best to consult with hearing professionals. This is especially true if you are dealing with hearing loss for the first time or notice that your hearing ability is worsening. Reach out to a member of our Beltone Dallas Fort Worth team today to find relief from your ear infection symptoms.