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Annual Hearing Screenings

Exploring Local Resources for Hearing Screenings and Check-ups

Routine hearing screens are important for preventative care for children and adults over 50. Parents and caregivers can help prevent hearing loss by scheduling hearing checks at least once per year.

By scheduling regular screenings, you can catch early warning signs of hearing loss and monitor any changes. This can also help you get help when it's necessary. Rather than struggle with hearing loss, children and adults affected by it can receive interventions that allow them to live fully.

Why Regular Hearing Screenings Matter

The ability to hear clearly is vital to our well-being. For children, it plays a critical role in language learning and development. As adults, we rely on our hearing to communicate with others, listen to music, and enjoy many hobbies. Struggling with hearing loss can ultimately deprive a person of the ability to express themselves and connect with others in ways they previously enjoyed.

Hearing loss also has safety risks, as children and adults rely on their hearing to detect threats and avoid them. When their hearing begins to suffer, they could miss important warning signs in their environment and become victims of preventable injuries. About 5 percent of adults 45-54 have disabling hearing loss, and that number increases to 10% between the ages of 55-64.

In children, hearing loss can be present at birth or slowly develop as your child grows. Children who exhibit signs of hearing loss benefit from early detection. They can connect with therapists and doctors who can help them develop language skills and speech abilities despite their hearing challenges.

Local Resources Available for Hearing Screenings

You can check local clinics, hospitals, and community centers that offer hearing screenings to stay on top of your and your family's hearing.

These community centers often offer accessible, affordable ways to get a hearing check, even if you are uninsured. Check online for information on how to make an appointment. It's as simple as requesting one online or calling in to schedule a time that works for you.

Tips for Choosing the Right Hearing Health Provider

When choosing a hearing care professional, look for a doctor who specializes as an audiologist. These medical experts focus on treating patients with hearing and balance issues.
Try asking family or friends for recommendations. They may already work with or know of a provider who could be a great fit.

You should also research providers to better understand their experience and qualifications. Make sure they have certifications or training in audiology and a track record of treating patients like you, your child, or your loved one.

The Role of Parents in Pediatric Hearing Health

Parents who take action to ensure their children's hearing health can prevent avoidable developmental delays. While hearing is vital to language acquisition, assistive devices, and therapies are available to help children who do not hear as well as others.

Early intervention is key to ensuring your child continues to develop and reach all the appropriate milestones. When you know your child has signs of hearing loss, you can also track it and work with professionals who can help your child thrive.

Call Beltone DFW Today!

Hearing health matters for everyone, but children and adults over 50 require routine screenings to ensure they aren't suffering from hearing loss. If they are, treatment options are available to help patients adapt and live their fullest lives.

Contact Beltone Dallas Fort Worth to schedule your next hearing screening, or share this information along with a loved one.