Protect Your Ears from the Winter Cold
As temperatures plummet, adding additional layers for warmth is recommended, and a good pair of earmuffs or a warm hat are great ways to protect your ears. Remember, our ears have very little fat, so they are particularly susceptible to frostbite and cold-induced ear infections. Keep them warm when the weather dips. This is especially critical for those working outside and those with children; little ears are thinner and need more protection from the cold weather.
Understanding Winter Ear Health
Cold weather is particularly nasty on the extremities, and during cold spells, there are few extremities more vulnerable to frostbite than the ears. Winter weather in the Dallas Fort Worth area can regularly dip as low as 38 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s critical to cover up when possible. The cold can even lead to hearing loss. When your ears are cold, they also become moist and humid, which is ideal for bacterial growth. When this happens, you can expect ear infections.
Tips for Protecting Your Ears
Fortunately, as the DFW area gets colder, you can keep your ears nice and healthy. Consider investing in warm winter hats, ear muffs, scarves that cover the ears, and even earplugs. Each of these provides a barrier to the cold, and with warmer ears, bacteria will have a harder time securing a foothold.
Further, always keep the ears as dry as possible. As mentioned, moisture is a breeding ground for infection-causing bacterial growth. While many audiophiles love using over-the-ear headphones for warmth and music listening, it’s essential to keep the ear canals, which sweat when covered by ear cups, nice and dry.
Special Considerations for Hearing Loss Patients
During the winter, it's critical to be smart with your audio equipment. This is especially true for hearing loss patients, who need to take extra care to avoid infections. Insulation is key with both earbuds and over-the-ear headphones. It’s a good idea to warm them up before use; a warm pocket is great for this. Put a hat over your buds or headphones for an extra layer of ear protection.
Cold air shouldn’t affect the performance of your high-end equipment, but remember that plastic and other materials become more brittle when cold weather is common. Try not to overstress the components, as such materials can break, and try to avoid impacts when they are warming up. Wear over-the-ear headphones for a little more warmth while you listen for a double-up effect.
Parental Guidance: Protecting Children’s Ears
With children, the same rules apply but with more urgency. Young ears are more susceptible to infection, and kids might remove earmuffs or hats because they are too hot. This is why it’s essential to remain vigilant so that frostbite or infections don’t occur. Frequently dry your kids’ ears with a handkerchief so that bacteria will have no place to grow. You can help your kids by letting them listen to earmuffs with Bluetooth functionality; this will provide them with listening time as well as ear insulation.
Cold weather isn’t the end of fun times in Dallas Fort Worth. Just remember to protect your and your kids’ ears with insulation and warmth, and you’ll have a pleasant winter.
Call us today at Beltone DFW for more info about cold weather ear protection!