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5 Facts About Protecting Your Hearing

5 Facts About Protecting Your Hearing

There are many myths that surround hearing loss and hearing protection. In order to do away with the incorrect information floating around, let’s take a look at the facts about hearing protection that you don’t know and put the myths to bed.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) Is Caused By Excessive Noise

About 30 million American workers are exposed to hazardous noise levels on the job and 50% of the elderly have disabling hearing loss. Two-thirds of service members and veterans have NIHL from exposure to loud noises, and as a result, have processing disorders. Not just older people are affected by hearing loss. One in 5 teenagers are expected to develop hearing loss due to excessive noise.

Musicians Are At Greater Risk

Due to the consistent exposure to loud music and sounds, musicians are 57% more likely to experience tinnitus and develop NIHL than the general public. Performing on stage produces sound that can get up to 110 decibels (dB), which is about the same as a jackhammer. The longer a musician is exposed to the loud noises, the more likely they will experience permanent hearing loss due to damaging the inner ear hairs.

Your Headphones Are Contributing To Your Hearing Loss

Headphones, earbuds, and other listening devices tuned to maximum volume, 105 dB, is as loud as a table saw, and even louder than heavy traffic, drills, and noisy subway platforms. Keeping your volume all the way up in your earbuds and headphones is damaging your hearing. Teenagers are generally more at risk because this age group uses portable listening devices the most. About 20% of teenagers will experience hearing loss from overexposure.

Preventing Hearing Loss Should Start At Birth

97% of newborns are tested for hearing loss at birth thanks to the passing of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening legislation. Early detection is key in helping to eliminate the impacts of undetected hearing loss in kids. By doing so, children will be able to develop socially, academically, and emotionally at the same level as those kids without hearing loss.

NIHL Can Be Prevented

NIHL is easily prevented by limiting your exposure to loud noises the best you can. This means giving your ears a break from headphones and keep the volume low, wearing ear protection, like ear muffs to prevent loud noises from seeping through, and from just staying away from noisy places if you can. Use common sense when it comes to being in loud places and protect your ears.

Do you believe long time exposure to loud noises has affected your hearing loss? Come visit Beltone DFW for a free consultation to check on your hearing and make sure your hearing health is where it needs to be. Call us today at (888) 958-8432.