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Fall Healthy Foods

Fall Foods for Healthy Hearing | Boost Your Auditory Wellness

Hearing health is one of the most prominent components of overall personal wellness. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 44 million U.S. adults have hearing loss. Experts expect this figure to nearly double to 73 million by 2060. In addition to known causes like noise pollution, medication, or illness, other factors such as a poor diet can also impact the quality of hearing. Nutrition can affect everything from blood flow to the health of cells near your eardrum. Fortunately, autumn is replete with seasonal foods that boost auditory wellness. A look at the top fall foods for better hearing can help you make an informed decision on ingredients for yourself and your family.

The Link Between Nutrition and Hearing Health

There is a surprising link between nutrition and healthy hearing. Foremost, normal hearing relies on excellent blood circulation. The sensitive hair cells and tiny bones in your inner ear convert noise waves into electrical riggers or pulses that your brain interprets as sounds. Inadequate blood flow impairs cells by reducing the availability of nutrient-rich or oxygen-rich blood. As a result, diets that reduce the risk of heart disease and improve circulation can also improve hearing health. Second, diets that are rich in antioxidants may reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that would otherwise damage tiny blood vessels in the ear.

Experts recommend essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, iron, magnesium, potassium, folate, and zinc. Antioxidant nutrients like vitamins A, C, B12, and E are also critical for hearing health. For example, an in-depth review of 22 studies (Rodrigo et al. 2021) found that people who consumed adequate omega-3 fatty acids from fish had a lower risk of age-related hearing loss. Magnesium increases blood flow to the inner ear, reducing inflammation from loud-noise exposure. Similarly, iron improves blood flow to the blood flow to the cochlea. Potassium regulates inner-ear fluid levels, and vitamin B12 helps those struggling with tinnitus or balance disorder. All antioxidants help fight free radicals and support the immune system for better hearing.

Seasonal Foods for Auditory Wellness

Fall is full of robust foods that support auditory wellness. These foods include pumpkin, apples, brussels sprouts, parsnips, and artichokes. They are often found in the produce aisle or local farmer's markets.


Pumpkins are commonly used for autumn décor and are also high in fiber and carotenoids like beta carotene. A serving of pumpkin contains more potassium than a banana, and this nutrient helps balance ear fluid. Pumpkin seeds are also full of zinc, which is essential for healthy immune function. Consider making pumpkin soup or low-sugar pumpkin pies to reap the benefits.


Fresh apples are a great source of antioxidants, such as vitamin A and vitamin C. Take the family apple picking during the fall for freshly squeezed apple juice or apple cider.

Brussels Sprouts

These veggies are high in iron and folate. Try roasting them with herbs or baking them with balsamic vinaigrette and honey.


Closely related to carrots and parsley, parsnips are great for cooking or snacking. You can eat them fresh or mash them as a potassium-rich alternative to potatoes. Other ideas include sautéed parsnips or parsnip soup.


These vegetables offer an excellent source of folate. Artichoke is a good side dish for steak or fish, and you can also add it to snacks like hummus.

Lifestyle Tips for Auditory Health

In addition to an improved diet, other lifestyle choices can also support healthy hearing. Avoid frequent exposure to noise pollution like loud lawnmowers or motorcycle engines. Consider wearing comfortable earmuffs or earplugs to loud concerts or sporting events. Since smoke can reduce blood circulation, avoid using cigarettes and limit second-hand exposure. Likewise, engage in moderate physical activity at least three times a week to improve circulation. Finally, schedule a comprehensive hearing test and regular hearing checkups to ensure wellness or to help find the equipment that supports hearing.

Nourish Your Senses, Protect Your Hearing

A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients can improve hearing health. By gradually incorporating the best fall foods into your daily meals, you can reap the benefits of long-term wellness. If you need guidance on your hearing health journey, the experts are here to help. Contact Beltone DFW today to begin your path to auditory well-being.
